
Certified Scrum Product Owner

Course description:

The Certified Scrum Product Owner Course (CSPO) prepares participants to serve their teams by establishing a solid, baseline understanding of the Scrum framework and the Product Owner’s role within that context. As you watch the product take shape, iteration after iteration, you can restructure the Product Backlog to incorporate your insights or respond to changes in business conditions. The Certified Scrum Product Owner course equips you with what you need to achieve success with Scrum.
Intuitive and lightweight, the Scrum process delivers completed increments of the product at rapid, regular intervals.
Following successful completion of the course, each participant will be designated a Certified Scrum Product Owner. This certification includes a two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance, where additional member-only material and information are available.

What you get:

  • High quality training from an industry expert
  • A two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance, a $100 value
  • Recognition by the Scrum Alliance as a Certified Scrum Product Owner
  • Course workbook
PMPs: This course counts for 16 Professional Development Units (PDUs). This course also counts as 15 of the 21 contact hours needed of Agile Project Management Training to be eligible for the PMI-ACP certification.
SEUs: This course qualifies as 16 Scrum Educational Units (SEUs) toward the 70 required to become a CSP.

Who should attend:

This course is ideal for product managers, analysts, testers, and others who represent and are expected to understand the desires of users and customers on agile projects. You will leave with solid knowledge of how and why Scrum works and of your role on the project. Through practical, hands-on exercises and small-group discussion you will leave prepared to guide a Scrum team to success.


Agenda includes (but is not limited to):
  • Fundamentals of the Product Owner Role
  • Working with Stakeholders
  • Working with the Development Team
  • Product Ownership and Multiple Teams
  • Ordering Product Backlog Items
  • Roadmaps and Release Planning
  • Customer Research and Product Discovery
  • Testing Product Assumptions
  • Differentiating Outcome and Output
  • Defining Value
  • Creating and Refining Product Backlog Items

Instructor bio:

Benjamin Sommer, Certified Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Coach
Benjamin is a professional agile coach, trainer and innovation mentor. Benjamin is recognised worldwide as an expert in Agile and Scrum and he holds the two highest-level certifications in the field: CST (Certified Scrum Trainer) and CEC (Certified Enterprise Coach) by the Scrum Alliance. His focus is on helping organisations achieve business agility, make product teams go faster and deliver more value. Benjamin has more than 20 years experience as business developer, management consultant, entrepreneur and investor. Benjamin is now using Lean and agile frameworks in his work with both large organisations and growth stage start-ups. Benjamin is also a published author focusing on business development and Scrum in his writings.


na vyžádání
začátek 9:00, konec 17:00
Kurz je vedený v anglickém jazyce.


27000,- Kč bez DPH.
Zákazníkům bez českého IČ fakturujeme v EUR dle aktuálního kurzu.


Benjamin Sommer

IČ: 25071505
DIČ: CZ25071505

Edutrea s.r.o., Jeremenkova 17, Praha 4


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